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部落战争六月宝石BUG回档通知 只针对利用BUG的玩家

时间:2014-06-06   作者:佚名   来源:部落战争       进入论坛


  Status update

  While I've been sick at home, our team has worked hard to identify and develop the fix. This has been our #1 priority ever since the issue, and now looks like we've got enough information and also the technical solution to revert unfair advantage. Yes, you read me right

  There won't be a witch hunt, there won't be bans. We will simply roll back the unfair advantage gained from the gem glitch. I will have more info tomorrow, just wanted to post this as soon as I got the good news.

  See you tomorrow!


  EDIT: Please note that this is work in progress, let's hope that everything works. It's the same with everything that's still in development, something can always go wrong. Side note: I always avoid posting things that wouldn't be certain, but this time I felt that an exception is needed. As said, I'll keep you posted, more news tomorrow

部落战争六月宝石BUG回档通知  只针对利用BUG的玩家


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